Track inspiration:

To Tornsage

This track i dedicate to a dear friend of all of ours, Tornsage Makes some beautiful music that inspires you to feel his music just as much hear it. Also he was my very first work of encouragment here on Audio tool. the short words of encouragement from tornsage had a big part in what Gave me the drive to keep doing this , i could not believe some one found my music and actually liked it .

This track is inspired by Tornsage. every since I started listening to his music i wanted to do a track like this or better yet like his..

So in all the Passion that is me i Finally Found the right set of chords and Buttons to push that reminded me of his work . Of course True to my nature, i took the basic principal of how torn creates his muisic and Went WAY over the top in my Super dramatic way.

Tornsage i Curse you to live a long and happy life and Haunt future audio tool users till long after you are dead :) P.S i can lift that second part of that curse any time you want hehe MAGICS!!

Track creation

This track is largely created in ableton

this is my first attempt at integrating ableton with audio tool

I find that for me until i learn more abou t ableton Audio tool for me is easier to work with and i like how you have more visual contol over the table,, Time line and your effex witch really makes life easier . also I used a pulv in this because there are some sounds that i am getting with the pulv that i just cant recreate in ableton and i like them. But ableton as some damn good basses with as soon as i learn how to audtomate wobbles my dub step should be taking a different turn with fatter basslines ... Comming soon

Special thanks too Sarah Kay . I used Peices of her poem "If I should Have a Daughter" for this track . No reference to tornsage , Look up Sarah Kay on yourtube if you like Poetry She is awsome

Zone music .. ( you know why .. Evil snicker)

Tornsage , if you like this ?, Yall go check out tornsage NOW DAMMIT hehe

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  • Great track, thank you! I particularly enjoy the vocals in this one, and the way they are integrated with the rest of the music.

  • amazing.

  • Hey, just to tell you, that Sarah Kay poem is actually called "B", not "If I Should have a Daughter" (I made that mistake too :P)

  • BTF!

  • ...actually, when rehearing it does not sound that brutal... downloading :)

  • i should probably do that huh

  • This is such a great song, i would like to download it. Can't you extend the end so that there is not such a brutal cut in the last tone?

  • Thank you guys :)

  • BTF

  • wow. I love this one,i like the progress of the track, simple and efficient !!

  • I agree, tornsage is a huge inspiration, and look what you gave! This is a tremendous track. How good he must feel to have inspired such lovely melodies. You captured the beauty, but in your own special way. Wonderful!!!!

  • Love it ! Very good !

  • Very Nice

  • Why thanks guys

  • Re-Fave. Hear, hear Zero Percential on both comments!!