Made this funky little tune with my friends. Hope you guys like it!

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  • Yo That’s me in the past loool

  • Republished


  • How did I become a part of this?

    • oh yea i remember now

      the project wouldnt let me set it to "Invite only" so a bunch of people joined.

      i tried on my and the creator's (TheStickyStickman) computer by the way

      the system eventually decided to let me close it

      but now there are a bunch of people in the creds

    • Some how

    • you were a part of this?

  • Republished

    IDK somethings up with audiotool

    some bass changes

    • followup: seems like a serve problem

      could be an update to the code though

  • Republished


  • Republished

    L O N G E R

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    better shit