Sadoly is a large city located close to the center of Oxcole Major A where the temperatures are the coolest. Sadoly is famous for three instances. Sadoly is named after a queen in the later history of Aion Major.. It is named after a super-earth sized world that now orbits both Oxcole Major A and B. It was terraformed in year 10072 like most of the other moons of the binary. Sadoly name was adopted into Oxcole Major and now have a city named after it. On the outskirts of the city, you are able to see the twilighted glow from both of the artificial rings around Oxcole Major A. The sky is relatively clear compared to most cities. You are able to see what is sometime described as the third binary. It is a large Saturn or Jupiter sized world that orbits the binary system. You are able to see the glowing rings emitted on the planet. The 4000k temperature light and other worlds reaches the surface to the city of Sadoly and causes the sky to turn a sepia color. Sadoly is build on a flat surface and is a relatively average city without the rare surrounding scenery.
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