(I was experimenting with chorus it's fun)
The night air is cool, so much better than the summer sun.
The mosquitos are asleep by now, they must be- I haven't been bitten.
My breaths are small, quiet. I'm terrified I'll be caught, but..
But when I look up, the moon is on my face, and the stars beam down at me. The wind dances to the songs of the crickets, pulling my hair with it, brushing past to say hello, and a chill goes down my spine.
It's pleasant, after the day I've had. I've missed the cold. I've missed the call to wander.
Though.. there isn't much backyard for me to wander.
I gaze out the fence, seeing a deer passing by, seeing the lights of cars every so often.
I walk to the fence..
No, nope, bad idea! I've been rebellious enough for one night.
I rush back inside, quietly closing the door behind me, quickly going back to my room.
I promised them all I would stay inside at night and I wouldn't leave. I broke one promise.
I wholly intend to not break the other-
"What were you doing outside at two in the morning?"
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