beat this :}

beat this :}

I would have added a arp but the minor section would have stumped me

I spent like 10 miniutes eq mixing

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  • Dam wtf...

  • i rember when i thought this was the best thing ever lol

  • 1:03 I can't believe this was Cero a year ago...

    I don't think I can ever make something sound that cool lol

  • I can't stop thinking about this track, this one always stuck with me for some reason. I literally woke up with it in my head like a week ago or something, and it keeps on coming back. So I keep on coming back to this...

  • So I'm remixing this just to do a lil edit on it-

    And I realised something. And arp is just the chord notes up and down/in a variation.

    • no an arp is the noise that a seal emits while getting hit by a train

    • ...ur slow asf broski

    • ye ik

  • i'm trying to help it get to 1st! this much work deserves it!

    • ok

    • holy crap

      you spammed this song

    • 200th play, and 30th fav! look at how many times i listened to it. haha!

    3 more
  • Nice job on the #2

  • Could I make a Remix of this?

  • what.......






    #2 WHAT!?!?!?!??

    im so confused. i'm over here stressing about the dj dopeslinger madness, and i instantly cheered up looking at this.... ;-;

    • Yes, congrats!!! (Personally, I think it should be 1st place- maybe it will climb up further next week, who knows?)

    • good job on the chart

  • tho i made a good song, the sad thing is. idk if i can do the same thing. the melody is not mine. i think about that alot. and i get a little depressed hoping i could maybe learn a new melody style

    • im litterally listening to the person who made my melody style

    • Listen to ALOT of artists... like Colbreakz...

      If that doesn't fix your problem, then I'm not sure what will.

  • niceee

    • the fact you noticed me as a human being made my day xD

      someones is going to quote me on that

    • i love the melodyyyyy omg im in love, the sharps

  • Sorry I keep typing so many comments on here, but I think this is my favorite track from you. I love the melody and the set up of it so much that I actually recorded this track on my phone so I can listen to it whenever I want :)

    • i've learned this school from my newest sound design. thats where the randomburst of skill came from

  • It may not be first place but it's definitely within the top 10.


    • bruh we never know yet

    • Delete the first "you" and the switch the damn and god

  • 1:02 mother of...-



    Vulkron level... I'm speechless, that's all I can say about that rn... gg.

    I would highly recommend not lowpassing the kick like that though. If the kick was originally like that, I would suggest a different kick. Percussion needs better mixing in general too.

    This is too good, I didn't expect something like this from you...

    8 more
  • Frick this is good