Chapter 2 if you have not go to Secret life.(Part one) for chapter one.

Chapter two:

Lynx: Behind my home I see that invasion around our towns have risen, aliens everywhere,fat maggots surrounding corpses.Buildings are broken . Minds are escaping from realities and poison gas has been released..I go inside my house I see this alien.An alien that looks like it has not eaten in years with green and orange all over.Contaminating anyone who touches it and rampaging,tearing down anything in it's path.I stay inside,hidden from the lights as I hear gunshots and alien growls.I wonder how Sergeant is doing.

Sergeant might be dead for all I know,but he is a stealthy person.Sergeant's the reason I am here now helping humanity.Helping him.Helping me.

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  • It reminds me of that underwater level on Super Mario 64 on the Nintendo 64. Really interesting!!

  • I like the experimental territory you're in right now