As the name suggests I made these after a long night out with my brother.

Apparently when I got home I decided to start making some music instead of going to bed.

Also, this was probably like 5 months ago or something I just forgot to upload them.

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  • Holy shit, man, I love this!

  • 11 pulvs on a bender?

    I normally get down with the tonematrix and a shit ton of delay.

  • Great mood setter. Nicely done. Clean fx and transitions. And that lead synth lfos break so smooth and on time.

  • dude I need these vocaloids NOW

    I have pro tools, a daw that takes third party plugins and stuff

    I have the tools now

    I'd really love a link if you have it

    also this idea is WILD, super cool!

  • dudes dump is better that everything in my studio

  • god damn the space in this is gut punching and i fucking love it

  • third thought :

    - drunk you still knows how to have a super clean sound design

  • this song was sooooo drunk

  • amazing

  • Ahh yes those moments of liquid courage when you just go in the studio while drunk... did that when i made "old dreams" anyway this is heat