Welcome to my first remix competition. All you have to do here, is making a full track of this little piano chords sample. The key is ****G Major**** if you want to remix this.


-Any genre is allowed.

-The track lenght will be 2:00 or more.

-Don't just add drums to the track.

-Be creative.

-You need to use the piano sample.


---------------------------------What's in the draft?---------------------------------

-A Centroid with 32 channels.

-An space pad preset.

-The sample.

-Some of my drums and percs.

-My 808.

-The G Major Scale if you dont know about music theory.


-1st place: ?

-2nd place: ??

-3rd place: ???

(I'm thinking about this, tell me if you have a suggestion)

---------------------------------Endline: May/10/2019---------------------------------

Hope u like it, and have fun with this :). Good luck to all of u <3.


---The winners will be announced tomorrow: 11/May/2019--

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