Some easy-going house to spice your wednesday a little bit. All feedback is welcomed. Enjoy <3

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  • menuda maravilla te has sacado low!

    • Muchas gracias hermano! Se podrian mejorar algunas partes para que suene con más energía, pero estoy contento con el resultado

  • Me encanta como suena ese bajo y todas las variaciones que van saliendo en la progresión.

    • Muchas gracias compañero!

  • amazing

  • This is rlly nice :3


  • almost sounds like mr.gun kind of soundtrack

  • Thanks for all the love and constructive criticism guys, means a lot!

    Didn't expect this to chart but I'm happy it did :D

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  • ayye you charted

    • yaay, pretty unexpected!

  • Good tone changes in this bad boy.

  • from 1:07 to 1:35 its pretty hard to listen to. It sounds really amature and idk i dont like that bit. but most else is nice

  • Also I have to agree with ne.time and the others, try to put the lead more in key. Others this is pretty damn cool sa always

    • Thanks for the feedback my friend!

  • The track is good, love the naša, the drum progression with those percs, however I kinda miss the pad that plays in the intro and outro in the "drop"

  • Very cool prod, I definitly love the sound design and progression. I aint the first to point it out but you gotta work on that lead, I dont think you should delete it altogether (as you suggested below) but at least put it in the right scale. Look at your chords and bass lines, take the notes and put them in a scale finder. Try to only use the notes from that scale in your melodies.

    • That link looks pretty useful, I'll give it a proper look once I'm back home, and will try to see if I can get that lead to sound a little more in tune. Thanks a lot for the feedback :)

    • Once you get a better grip of scales you can get out of your current scale for some interesting effects, but to play safe you should try to stick to a single scale.

      a basic scale finder :

  • it was better when i heard it last time. better I click on remix now

    • draft is saved already. Will give it a try next week

    • what a relief haha still, would be a honor to hear your take on this track :)

    • yes, was the volumeof my laptop ;)

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  • awesom track :D

  • oh and I forgot to fave :D