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  • Cool ambience. I like the strange noise beginning at 00:32 a lot for some reason.

    • Aww, thank you! I thought it’d give it a mystery sound.

  • Ngl, this hits really hard this is so good I think Ima cry TT~TT

    • Aww, thank you! It’s one of my personal favorites!!

  • Love the ambience at the beginning.. Really cool 🖤

  • I listened to this again, it's really calming

  • Thank you for the chart everyone! I appreciate it so much!! This song had a lot of emotional value to me! <3

  • Very relaxing

  • BTW: I took and edited to picture in the cover!!

  • niiiice

  • this track is strangely nostalgic, i like it

  • Nice.

    For improvement I'd work on some automation to keep things varied, and EQ could be well utilised to improve the sound design and avoid frequency clashes.

    Good job with this, a big improvement!

  • i like it. it's soothing and doesnt go crazy with sounds which i usually like in ambient music. i would probably make some of the sounds even smoother by extending their attack rates etc., but overall i really enjoy this :)

  • Nice atmosphere

  • Bootiful Roocka

    • I legit am falling asleep to this. Probably my favorite thing you've done so far. Keep it up!!