I spent many months on this track but I need advice on how I can make it better, the original draft of this was too much for my pc to handle so I had to use the bounce timeline thing to upload it as a sample. The idea was insipired by Icebox's style of music but it's also a mix of my own style, though I'm not sure if it's good. How can I make this better? I need advice. (Don't make fun of my voice please, I tried my best ;-;)

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  • you've done the unthinkable and somehow managed to like your own track

  • So you spent many months on these 36 seconds or is the full track somewhere? don’t hear icebox in this. Your voice reminds me a little on the voice from the JJ72 singer.

    Interesting approach, definitely worth finishing.

    • I only recorded vocals for the first 36 seconds for now, also I was lagging alot so that also explains why it's taking so long lmao.

  • i like the instrumental!!! i think the mixing on the vocal is the main issue, it feels like it's in a different "space" than the rest of the track if that makes any sense. try turning the wet signal on the reverb down, or EQing the high frequencies away to push it back a bit. if all else fails experiment with delay on the vocal instead of reverb

    • I kinda wanted the vocals to stand out a bit. Maybe that's why.

    • i also think the dry vocal could be dampened a bit with EQ bc its pretty present compared to everything else. OR you could add some high-frequency detail in the instrumental instead, so that the vocal and the music glue together better in the mix. you might also benefit from compressing the vocal a bit bc it wavers in volume

      the way the track is set up allows you a lot of room for creativity in terms of how you address these issues tho!!

  • It's okay, more stuff could've been used like a chorus, slope or a quasar to make this thing pop a bit. Maybe add a couple of synths and add effects to make it sound a bit ambient. Other than that, good job.

  • Nice

  • Beautiful song, love it :~) a very cool vocal melody

  • I like it. Don't feel discouraged to continue practicing. I believe you have potential to express yourself in creative ways

  • Its cool. I reckon the autotune needs to change if you used any.

  • First, make some more layers, add some pads or something to really make the music stand out.

    Second, get rid of some of the reverb, too much of it can really drown out the song, and make it sound a bit empty.

    I like how the vocals stand out, they're mixed quite well(from my shitty earbud perspective), but maybe add some effects or add some vocal layering, like an octave lower, or higher, or adding different layers and then panning them left and right

    • The mixing on the vocals was like the hardest part LOL.. I'm glad you think that they are mixed well! And well, I can see what you mean about the reverb. But like essentially this was just me laying out the foundation for it, and also getting used to the Heisenberg and Pulveristeur interfaces.. So I will work on adding more layers. Thank you for your time, I swear to put it to good use :D

    • I see the concept, and I like it, keep it up, try some of the things I've suggested, and lemme know how it goes!

  • omg

    • Makes sense

    • So like how do the charts function in Audiotool? Is it like calculated based on the number of plays reached in a certain amount of time or is it randomized?

    2 more
  • This is ok, it just needs mastering for the vocals and we need more instruments... all I can say its good and needs to be finished.

    • Yeah, well the rest of the instruments are gonna come in progressively.

  • Beautiful idea, I like it. I would like to hear the full version.Then it will be easier to provide advice, since the options for track development are wide.

  • hello eshaan,

    i really like it, it needs to be a bit longer so where the track stops is a drop, and it goes to another sound that followes the main chords and they go together to add a bit more ambience, and the melody also gets copied to another sound and both of them go together, and the drums get louder with a bigger snare and kick (hat is optional), this seems really cool and i like the idea of it!

    also the vocal is a bit too loud so you can just turn it down a bit.

    • Thanks for the advice! I'm still working on the rest of the track so the final version will be longer than this.

    • also add a choir synth with it it just hits the top notes of the chords

  • salut eshaan c'est tres interressant ton approche, poursuit, creuse et reste dans ton idée et dans tes choix, c'est la bonne voix !!

  • I like it though its very interesting.