This is going to be the outro for my album Bad Wrld. still in progress obviously. i need to re-record some parts and also mix better. but yea. jus a reminder to focus on my bag and don't get sidetract by females and other things. no home fvr.

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  • Can i make a remix

  • luv it UwU

  • vocals loud af

  • aint know nomad had vocals too

  • can I have the stems so I can do a remix/my version? You can send them over discord if u want

    • followed

    • @illuminatedstrangersmusic

    • lmao. Dm me the files on insta

    9 more

  • S E E I N G T H A T M Y L O V E I S N ' T L O S T I T ' S A B A N D O N E D

    I F E L T T H A T .

  • YEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Republished
