name was taken from a short story I wrote telling the history of one of my favorite Minecraft worlds.

May be a little intense for Minecraft music, but oh well, I like it.

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  • really nice

  • Sounds like a soundtrack you might put to a 2d platformer singleplayer rpg. First thing that came to my mind anyway.

    • That puzzle game is called Zenge, I caught my brother playing it one night. Zenge is kinda interesting.

    • Same...additionally it also reminds me of that one puzzle game I had on my tablet (forgot what it was called, got disappointed after learning it is a puzzle game, but it was so cool after a while).

    • I hear it

  • now that I listen to it in context this track does have a sort of finality to it

  • heart break sound track

  • is this the drop? lol

    • No, not high-pass. It needs a slightly notch and a boost around 5k.

    • kewl :>

    • I’ll give it a shot

    6 more
  • :o

    • yeah, i have trouble remixing my hour challenges as well

    • Surprisingly this is the one I’ve had the most trouble with… probably because I made the original thing in an hour

    • i like it

  • Republished

    -more transition fixes

    -hopefully softer sounds

    -slightly louder drums

  • Republished

    -fixed some transitions

    -drums mixed differently

    -different pluck sound

  • now there's only one more track left