Why the fuck are you guys selling depression like it's hot cakes on a damn Sunday afternoon?

It's a Monday last time I checked.

Is the serotonin and dopamine supply sold out already?



Ah, fuck it, sell em the cocaine in the back then. We ain't selling these guys a nihilistic life crisis, fuck that.

Not like they can tell the difference, anyways.

See those customers? They are slaves to what they WANT.

What made you think that's what they wanted?

I am the manager here.

THE one and only boss.

Whatever I say we're selling, goes.

Don't ever make a stupid decision like that again on my watch.

Throw that shit in the trash, and back to work.

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  • This could be a start to a song with greater power. The longer the head moving vibe the more likes. Keep the music alive.

  • I think I just nutted

  • Script and beets

    Nothing was scripted

    • seems about right

    • I imagine the scenario in my head but as there is little to go off of I use Cars characters (the purple sports one that pushed Mac)

  • this is yes

  • Republished

    more swag