Find the video walkthrough here:

Thank you @aeiter for the advice!

going up from -1 octave at 50% : 53, 56, 59.5, 63, 67, 71, 75, 79, 84, 94.5, 100 (back to standard pitch)

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  • you can also use the machiniste

  • saw this on youtube

    i love it

  • what benefit does it provide to using the machiniste? the machine is more flexible than the bock and more precise

    • that's what we meant, glad you caught on

    • ah wait i just realised the good use case would be for simple melodies. i tried it with an arpeggio, didn't sound quite right

    • from what i've tested the bloc also stretches out the samples, except it would skip what it couldn't play in time. i guess doing it like that would be useful in some cases but you can still pitch down stuff using machiniste without it skipping anything. stil not really sure why you would do it this way

    11 more
  • Me who just uses the rasselbock for stop, stutter and gate effects :

  • now somebody apply this to a diss track on the pirates

  • yes

  • yo this goes hard as shit

    • chromatic guapo type beat 🔥🔥🔥

  • im so glad i knew how to do this :D

    ty for showing others!

    • did you know the exact number values for changing pitch? I couldn't find stats on this anywhere. It seems like percentage to pitch is borderline impossible with every device calculating it differently

  • ive been trying to figure this out for a while so thx to both of you!

  • this is an actual game changer for people early that want a head start with sample work, fantastic tips from both of you geniuses.

  • hmm very evolutionary