yah im working on it im makina song with synths right now

Thanks for 300 guys. You guys are so awesome i can't even understand how my music got so good. Your support kept me going to be this good so i made special track for all those people who always give love to my songs. THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!
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0 -
0 you need to learn to stop using samples doe
0 thanks
0 Word v . This go hard af too .
0 i make original beats from scratch and find samples that are good enough for the beats my music is really based of of the beat more than the melody.
0 you have a great way with samples, you should compose for the VEC Community album, It needs a proffesional touch to get it jump started
0 k lol
0 wow dont say that about your own song pls
0 thanks
1 wow pretty sweet,