0:53 I used to think it was saying joe biden

This project was super fun to work on. Hope u guys enjoy <3
All basses made in AT. Only predrop vocals were imported samples.
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0 -
0 how many devices are in this?
remix button
0 Nice
0 Throwback to this masterpiece <3
1 i still want to see someone remix this
1 If anyone tries to remix this their PC will fucking melt.
1 Bro this is frickin' fire!
0 okokokokok
hear me out
i remixed
couldnt even open the damn draft because:
computer blew up.
i mean come on
thats a hit movie right there
3 k lets talk about that snapshot... Vault boy... how powerful is your new pc?
0 i fucking hate this snare
2 still legendary!!!
refav :3
0 verry nice 😄👍
0 refav
6 remix open but no one remixed it, makes sense, if some1 were to remix this, their computer will commit alt f4
3 hehehehe
new mac
I can play muted without lag
I see open remix
..... you know what that means heheheheheeh