I like the simplicity of this. You both had an idea, and you executed it to the best of your ability. I personally think it's a solid attempt. the lyrics are a little off beat in spots, perhaps because of the syllable count in that lyric line, and the beat is a bit flat in terms of mixing. Everything sounds default and thin. add some FX to your drums, or try different samples, or take the samples you like, and reverse them!...

Ranelo: Go follow rokugou.. upcoming user for audiotool and this generation of audiotool. Go support him he barely tries to promote himself lmao nah but hes chill ok bye
RedLights: Glad I could do this with ranelo. Hope you enjoy. Lyrics are down below.
I’m not ready
I can’t stand tall
I’m fighting through it all to try and find me
Not ready to fight,
Not ready to rise,
Not ready to live here,
Without my disguise
Not ready for peace, no
Not ready for war
Not ready for doing
Anything more
I’m not ready
I can’t stand tall
I’m fighting through it all to try and find me
Not ready for flying
Not ready to fall
Not ready for being me
And standing tall
Not ready for leaving
Not ready to stay
Not ready to kneel down
Not ready to pray
I’m not ready.
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