I made this while mourning my father, shortly after his death. I couldn't keep myself from going to a dark place while making this, so I just created a reflection of what I was feeling. There's a lot of pain behind this one, so I don't expect anyone to enjoy it. But I have to get this off my chest.

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  • <3

  • This is unbelievably good. I am sorry for your loss and I can feel your sadness through the music.

  • you're back <3 i love this track so much man . its beautiful. im sorry about your loss bro. message me on Facebook if you ever feel like talking <3 is this the same guitar that you did for our track "two" two ?

    dude this track is phenominal

  • I'm so sorry for your lost man. This is a very good track. I can feel the emotions behind it. Making a track like this is a very good way to immortalize the memories. It's a real tribute to the life of ur father.