Part 1 of a collection of tracks called 'White'. I'm thinking it will be an EP.
almost entiterly one pad and a wind sample. I had to slpit the pad into two synths because something was going wrong with the midi, notes were being cut short when other notes came in.
Also I took this picture and a load more that future tracks are going to be based on, it was windy when I took this one so the sample and mood seemed appropiate.
I think the reason notes were cut short upon the start of other notes is that the synths have maximum polyphony. For Pulv, it's 8 and for Heisenberg, it's 16. If you have 9 Heisenberg notes playing at a time and then a new set of 9 notes comes in, then during the overlap of attack and release, there would be 18 notes; 2 notes would have to be cut off.