I gotta download this one for the car. Such beautiful sound in here. I could really meditate to this....and I need to be in my own place right now.... ....
I was expeting smething more classyc with the ending. I must confessed that the ending woke me up from the oniric place the sounds trasported me. But, once again, the marvellous thing about this track is the abbility to surprise the listener. Good wotk with the change, It was totally unexpected.
... I don`t want to theorize about art, but one of the main differences I can name between art and technique is that art i always pushing the borders of yhe status quo, what has been already socially accepted, when techniques just develop what is very well accepted and consumed. The other difference ist that artist creations are made with love from the heart, while techniques are made with knowledge and brain. Here your art is an example of both. Thank you again.