I wish there was a way to put this at the front of my tracks list, since it is practically brand new :P
I thought that the original deserved a better emix from me. I was naive when I first remixed, So I have come back and actually worked with it. I added some more layers in the way of basses and pads and reconstructed the sound of all the synths. I want to change the beat, but my cpu just cannot handle it right now.
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0 -
0 Why is everyone lol'ing at the start? Am I missing something?
0 feels like my first love parade in Berlin... :D
well... and i need to say... i lol'd too.
nice one
0 I loled at the start. But its good!
0 Thanks :)
0 Thanks :)
0 this is a great edit man
0 if sandburgen says its good - ITS GOOD
0 if sandburgen says its good - ITS GOOD
0 yes better now
0 yes, better now. Still some things to do for you to create some pulv sounds beyond the preset but it's good
0 great!!
0 The repub was to heed Sandburgen's advice, and remove the pulve effects from the lead synth melody :P
0 Republished
The Repub was to take the pulve effects off of the main synth melody :P
0 @Hbeao thanks! I was really just going for more textures and a more spacey feel to it:P
@Snadbrugen Thanks for the criticism, that is exactly what I want, so I know where to improve :D