how tf

One of the risers is made from his guitar, and his voice is the Dark creepy horn that plays through the entire track. I honestly don't expect to win or to even place because he said he would use the "beat" for whoever won and I didn't use his singing voice, but I just had to flip this lmao. Enjoy
Cover made by @Infectzion {pulvenberg}
The basses and growls are actually made from the pulv, except the wub.
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0 -
1 Should I make this re-mixable? I am sure people are tired of me having my stuff not re-mixable lol
1 really like the spooky sound effects in the background. and that bass...
0 Wow, I totally forgot about this one
0 so ultimate dubstep using custom sounds, great.
0 11 months wtf
0 Why do my pants smell weird now.
0 snare a tad bit quiet
5 Lol should I even bother finding a DAW for me seems like this can do everything I want ? New to production . Found myself here
1 Oml dude this is sick!
3 Top of the top job here, wow.
That tempo change on 02:59 - is that done with bpm automation or manual melody construction through shorter notes?
0 Bizar good
3 reminds me of doom eternal
2 So Amazing
2 Wtf
It sounds like its in a bathtub, well, time to repub again.