Oh shit I overlooked this this is way better than my remix XD

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1 @matrix i started in fl studio than just kind of started on audiotool
1 I don't like this that much, just because it's not ma thing, but wow. really impressive.
2 how is this even audiotool?
0 So no :)
0 More like an edit @ Navor
4 would this count as a remix of here to stay? XDD
3 Well then. You are God of dubstep/complextro
0 haha thanks dude
3 I... think you may have done this better than Zomboy did O_O
0 Nope i just havent had any internet and my musical genius is raging to make music... im guessing
8 Are these just some old drafts or something because if you made this many good songs within a day.... You are God