That is my blood sister Sophia and I. I saw her for the first time in 4 months the day before yesterday, and she kissed me. We're both straight, but we love eachother. A kiss is something beautiful. It is a sybol of adoration that has been corrupted by society to stand for lust. She is my sister and best friend, and I'd die for her. Does a kiss really make me something dirty just because she's a girl? No. It doesn't and it shouldn't. - 09.17 .12


It's kinda the final version cuz i dont know what else to do with it O.o like, if you have some suggestions, TELL ME or remix it :) <3

I used like random synths, drums, cello, violin, and guitar (:

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  • I like the song.

  • Thank you Lionson! Finally, someone who doesn't judge the song by the picture!!! <3 And thats actually a really good idea... Thanks(:

  • Well, aside from the picture.....

    the song was pretty good

    I like the flute sounding synth

    and the bass

    If I can make a suggestion, I think the drums would sound much better if you used oneshot samples through the machiniste rather than the beatbox

  • LOL, that's awesome. Pero, I'm straight, and taken :3

  • I wasn't making any inference to homosexuality at all. I'm very pro rainbow! In fact I actively encourage the women around me to be to the idea.

  • OMG, lol, ishld be insulted but that's hilarious xD Pero, y'all are really homophobic >.<

  • yes it does and yes it should :)

  • Lol, It was a fake kiss.... It's pretty obvious we're not kissing for real...

  • a kiss on the cheek is one thing. but your straight up french kissing your sister. i take my fav back.