I knew about the Solo buttons on the Centroid and the Minimixer but I guess with everything else going on it didn't dawn on me that that could be a handy useful feature. Glad I asked you now friend. Now I should be able to send my stems to my friend in the UK. I'm excited now.
On Centroid and Minimixer you can use the solo buttons to isolate channels and use 'download mixdown' feature to quickly render the track. I usually do about 5 stems.
LOL...I like that.....My ears are happy LOLOL...hey thats cool..gotta love it. Besides, nobody wants their ears to be Sad or Depressed. PUN"JOke" This has been the happiest ears of my life. Oh wait...LOL...hahahaha Years .. LOl.. yea I'm delirious. Probably lost my mind a bit too LOL...I'm a Looney Tune...LOLOL....Omgosh, I've straight lost it.