here is my attempt

original: the orition (remix comp)

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  • Eerie sounds, beautiful

  • oop i forgot to add your entry in the album list AAAAAAAAAAA

  • I feel like I'm walking through an abandoned warehouse or some huge building after an apocalypse.

    I'm seeing and hearing strange things. GLowing eyes in the dark, thumps, radioactive beeps from a running machine, rain or some unknown liquid that may as well be acid or something, and unsettling low frequency sounds. I feel like as I move further and further into the darkness, there's something following me. Something that's been following me since the beginning.

    Beautiful work!!!

    • its rain :) thank you for the idea of radioactive beeps. i may use it on a track one day

  • I'm gonna try something like this

  • i have no words-

    the soft, but unsettling suspense of occasional thumps and steady sounds that evoke the feeling of melancholy, with ambient sounds surrounding my ears like I'm inside a muddied world filled with unknown individuals and creatures that are a threat to me at every turn, but near the end, i instead look at the landscape, observing everything about it before i walk into the trembles of doom and risk itself.

    i can never get on how well you use the matrix... m a n.


      SEEING THE PROGRESS WAS SO FREAKING WONDERFUL TO STARE AT, and hearing the sounds just slowly come into light left me going "aw heck naw" every single dang TIMEEe

      and i'd love to see more of these progress videos- they're VERY good with helping me understand how you achieve your style! C:<

    • from now on i will be uploading these types of videos on yt for a while. idk for how long i'll do it, probably until it becomes tedious but for now i will do a couple. link will be in descriptions from now

    • now i got you on YT 😎 ... nice to see what u do , thank´s !

    2 more
  • beautiful mix 🔮