Great ! Love this repetition spirit.
Dangerously experimental beats
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0 cool work drone .... :)
0 you'll get a preview i'm still on it i'll try to add vocal
0 yeah really fun and cool :), maybe will turn my experiment in remix :D
0 that sounds fun I hope you enjoy it :D
0 i'm experimenting on your draft adding synth and playing with automation :)
0 :D
0 I am glad to know you are learning from it, if that is what you mean :D
0 it's welcome to say de rien no? , i finally stay on your draft for this nigth pursuving the investigation of that experiment :D
0 thanks man :D
0 good experiment man , the beat is very cool :)
0 hehe it''s fun for sure :D, but yeah i tend to write long tracks... this was a short one though. It's not like it's a conspiracy_1.1 to kill your time :D
0 this is too much to digest in a 20 minute window, I'm going to have to borrow your brain later after mine is fried.
0 this scavanger hunt's turning into a real Voyage
0 the intro I ran through the aux on the centriod to a pulve filter :D