Battle lost/War won

sound design moment

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  • Jesus that brass.

    I'm a sucker for the pads as well.

  • omfg how

  • holy omg

    • that bass you made is gorgeous

      it would have been a shame to not make a cinematic draft outta it

    • exactly

  • Fantastically roomy!

    It does sounds like the midend of the kick is clipping. You might be able to adjust the levels and solve that particular issue, as well as help balance the arps a bit more.

    Great work as always!

    • <3

    • hurakan is one of the masters at soundscaping that I aspire to. Although I don't particuarly make cinematic music. He inspires me to make dreamy stuff

  • DAMN that waveform is satisfying

  • I like the soundscape but the high end really is hurting my ears sorry.

    • its ok, im glad you commented about it!