Icebox released yet another amazing track that I felt I had to make a remix of. It's basically the same track but with some of my own elements added, and then something more of an EDM build-up and drop (definitely inspired by ILLENIUM if you couldn't tell)... I think that's all I have to say this time.

Note: It may sound off because it overloaded way too much in the draft and whenever I tried to bounce the timeline, AT acted up, so I'm not 100% sure what this final product sounds like. I'll have to make edits as I go after I hear the published version, but for now, I need sleep.

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  • Wooh! 3rd place!!! I thought this wasn't gonna chart at all...

  • You can't forget because I never existed in the first place, therefore you never made any memories with me

    But seriously this is fire <3

  • Amazing!!! :O

    I gotta make a remix Icebox's song after I'm not busy too lol

    (ok back to studying XD)

    Great work my friend as always, awesome remix!!!! :D

    • XDDD

      and np! :D

    • Thank you!!! I look forward to hearing your remix some time down the line :D

      (is that the right phrase?... see maybe I should go study lol)

  • Note to self: fix up 2:08 so it has more impact

  • Nice!

    And goonigh~!