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  • love this! how did you do the echoing effect? i wanna do that :o

    • they're drip sounds from thps 1 and i just did reverb and delay and maybe probably some filtering lol idk how i never saw this comment.

    • Use reverb

  • This kinda reflects my current state of being after around only 4 hours of sleep

  • Lol I like that device arrangement. I like that you're going for a grainy, gritty effect, but I think you may be veeeery slightly overdoing the overblown effect on the bass by cutting out too much of the highs. You might want to reduce the amount of the slope on the bass just a bit. Really like the effect you're getting with this, you've got a really intricate sound from a simple effect chain.

    • Cut a little less high end from the bass

    • thanks noir! are you saying don't cut so much high end from the bass? or don't cut so much bass out?