when stellar rain formed the cosmic cave

was it a day or a night

and what was before the starting point

whence the whole originated

was it dark or light

if it ever began

and if we ever encounter the final dot

will stellar rain dig our grave

or will we be foolish enough

to take care of that ourselves

but most importantly

what the hell are we doing

on this pale blue dot

original track: the orition (remix comp) by @titik

check out the other entries:

(original & album not displayed for whatever reason)

cover: pale blue dot - voyager 1 (nasa)

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  • this could actually kinda fit in subnautica

  • Beautiful :~) and amazing

  • You and I need to make something like this <3

    • haha

      h ah a

      this aged like the best kind of minute maid apple juice ever

    • I'd love to, man! some kind of ambient soundtrack collab together would definitely be neato :)

  • that picture just sent me on a 30min webcrawl of all things voyager 1

    hauntingly beautiful w/the ambiance

    • yeah, i am fond of this photograph too :) the picture seems so simple, unpretentious, and humble when we don't know its context, but once we know it, we're the ones feeling humbled

      glad you like the track :)

  • you are a god of ambient. never fail to astonish me in a deep trance.

    i still listen to either forest or creativity stimulation almost daily

  • Stellar! Been slacking on your latest tracks. Your getting better and better. Really amazing soundscape! :0

  • I don't know why I didn't follow you but that is corrected , very nice atmosphere

  • I dont speak morse code but never say that about my mum ever again 😠😠😠😠

  • this is very peaceful

  • "and if we ever encounter the final dot

    will stellar rain dig our grave"

    I love your poetry accompaniments, sound design is perfect as usual

    • thanks a lot mate, i enjoy finding some words to translate what's happening in my brain while i create the sounds :)

  • this is enough to bring tears

    stellar fucking beauty... god man....

    never stop

  • Ponyo approves.

  • Thanks guys :)

  • Pale blue. I see what you did there with the title! Ill decypher the morse soon hopefully This sounds surreal