New update, fixed some transitioning and some sidechaining(idk really if I did, someone help my helpless soul) but hope you guys enjoy
Vulk and Subs song with some dope vocals, enjoy. Also, I'm back, and hope to have some new songs throughout the year.
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New update, fixed some transitioning and some sidechaining(idk really if I did, someone help my helpless soul) but hope you guys enjoy
Sorry about the sidechaining, I'll be fixing it soon
Sounds good m8 :D
I would recommend not sidechaining the vocals that much, if at all. Also, it sounded abrupt. like there was no transition. So please add a transition next time so the flow of the song and vocals sounds smoother.
Other than that, sounds gr8 dood :D
lol neither one of those links worked, they were just text XD
Haha this is funny but good! :D I like it when the vocals get chopped up at 0:30 but they sound kinda offbeat but hey i like it and Vulky does to probably! :D Good job dude!
By the way, this is basically a vocal edit of Young Gods, hopefully you guys agree that it sounds ok.