Remix comp!!!

First place: I will sell your song on Spotify/youtube music/ Itunes and give you 95% of the profit.

Second place: I will put it in the background of one of my youtube videos.


-Your remix can be any genre.

-Please make it remixable so I can see you guys' incredible masterpieces and judge it better :) Making it downloadable is an option.

- Only use AudioTool, but feel free to add some samples/loops for sound effects, risers, and so on.

- feel free to make it longer if you want

- Due time is May 12, lemme know if I should extend it!

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  • Strangely enough the thing that annoys me the most is that the sample is not plugged straight into to the audio output lol.

  • crap. I have been so busy that I forgot the deadline. sorry, everybody :(

  • wait why did I not participate :(((

    well I'm dumb asf XD

    my memory is bad tho tbh so not surprised lol

  • shoot I forgot about the deadline sorry June 1 all entries need to be turned in

    • does everyone have their entry turned in by tomarro

    • I'm stupid I forgot About the deadline again

  • Don't close it yet... I'm close to finishing my entry...

  • HOLY COW!! I have had 100 people listen to my song in 23 hours!!!

    • lol I used to think the same when I was new here, don't worry XD

    • oh...

    • Technically, (not to ruin your moment) you had 114 people view your song, not listen. You only have 30 listens on this...

  • Hey your song makes me fell happy

  • oooo I'm joining!

    6 more
  • Also A rule i forgot to mention is that can anyone who is doing it invite me so I can see were you are going with your song.

    • K, I'll invite you too when I start!

  • WOW!!!! I did not realize.

    • Yep it's trending alright...