I don't know if I wanna hulk smash then talk trash to a bald hag tryina hold a wad stolen cash, when all she has to do is pass it back, That's classic for a back to back to happen back to back, what's in the backypack? a nappy sack for a nappy nap, or blackened ghat for night cap with ol boy, supposedly not ya man i guess, I suggest fallin back a crack, or gettin a lawyer that'll send a message to these bad mouth, bad bubbled, half cooridinateds, half orchestrated, nah nah say, wanna say, somethin? Wanna scramble like eggs don't ya? Wanna ramble with rambo? Don't piss me off.

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  • Republished

    Gloablly Eq'd

    Added Chords.

    Adjusted various sample timing.

    long kick 909 freq. cutoff.

    kick 20 808 frew. cuttoff.