Alright story time!

So in the armageddon the world is on fire, water the rarest thing in the world. Only the rich people have water and the only liquid the poor people ever see is: blood, sweat and tears. well, one day a group of five people decide to make a band to help raise money to get the poor people money and water. As they sing day after day, they make river after river of sweat from playing for so long. As they get richer, the rich people start to find out about them, they don't like what there doing, they think that the only people that get water should be the people that work hard for it or people that have enuff money to buy it. So the rich people ask them to stop singing and they do... ... at least untell they leave, and then the band just starts back up again. After a while the rich people get mad and agree that sence they won't listen, the only way to get rid of them is to kill them. They give the band one more chance to stop, but they don't so at the end of the song they shoot them. But the band saved up enuff money and water that all the poor people can become rich and get water, and they kill all the rich people for killing their only source of happiness.


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