I poured all the feelings and emotions I’ve experienced over the past three years into this song. Through it, I’m sharing my thoughts and the journey I’ve been on with you all.

I tried my best to get rid of effects to help my computer not blow up, this track really tested it. Not sure how this sounds. Might try to go back and tweak the mix a bit.

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  • that's quite a huge device set-up... you must have a powerful GPU?

    • GPU isn't the only thing thats good for Audiotool, it's also CPU and ram, but mainly Cpu

  • can definitely hear the acloud vanishing point influence but this is so fucking good

    fav AT day entry easily

  • :O

  • Jeez this is sooooo niceeeee

  • i love that this is where AT dubstep is at nowadays

    that one synth at 2:15 is SOOOOO, i love how it loops around

  • fuck

  • was confused about the dubstep comments until I reached the drop

    so good bro

  • this has 17' audiotool written all over it, in the best way possible

  • holy drop LMAO talk ab a jumpscare

  • this is fl clean like what

  • based on the intro, some of the most grand sounds on this site

    you already have a great quality to most of your songs but the epic score vibe winner undoubtedly goes to this song, across anything I've listened to here

    and the DROP

    speechless on the quality

    amazing stuff cleb

  • Great sound! <3

  • Damn, was not expecting the drop

  • FUCK

  • 2:08 gives me acloudyskye vibes <3

    • WHEN? The acloudyskye I know is about pretty, melodramatic drops 😭