First song. I'm new, do be kind. That's why I asked my friends for help (:

This...well...this is for all who try to break me...

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  • This is dope stuff here girl!!

    : ^p

  • nice! the samples match very good ;)

  • the part at 0:58 is screaming club so I might do a remix

  • really good

  • this should be listen more .. great chaotic work love it

  • Awe (: Thanks...took my forever to get it just right lol

  • ok (:

  • btw, 30 seconds - the kill was perfect at the end


  • no i like it alot actually, the fact tht u nearly completel re-did what i did it gives ure own personal touch to it...but i love my super filth...i needmy version of the draft later today lol

  • I still have all the saved drafts Kenzie, your version should still be there... is it bad?

  • wish I could have saved mine and your version seperately, but oh well