New song with a new theme. Hope you enjoy it. Remeber to favourite and subscribe for more from me!

Also check out my collaboration with N.O.V.A , I'll link it in the comments.

If you're interested in a collaboration then all you need to do is drop a message on my wall and I'll get back to you as quick as I can.

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  • wahou it's really huge héhé like it!

  • That is a pretty nice and dark melody. Keep it up!

  • Thanks

  • I like your new song, it really grabs me and i injoy it alot

  • Hey again N.O.V.A I'm from England to be more specific near the border of Wales in a crappy little town called Hereford :(

  • Incredible drums, very nice.

  • May I ask where u from I'm from New Hampshire in US but just wondering and alot of emotion in this track ;)

  • honestly based on your choice of intro i'd have gone a different direction with the music but still cool none the less.