Hey everyone! Here's another banger by GREK and I. Not much to say about this one, it was just something GREK had started and, like always, when we got together on it, it blossomed into this awesome thing. I'm really really proud of GREK as he is really improving his sound design and composition. I remember when he and I worked on our first projects together, and we've made so much progress since then! I hope you all enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed making it.


Thanks for listening!

As always,

Stay classy, San Fran!


so, I'm not much into making broad descriptions like zir0h (lol, I can't write so much, but I think it's really cool !!), but here we have one more hit, bringing you another song to rock your skeletons and animations them completely.

it was a bit complicated song, because we didn't know what else to do, it was already starting to lag a little, until we had a spectacular idea, mix of genres. as you can see the music changes rhythm somewhere, and that gave this song a different taste, in addition to all the effects and synths we used and mixed. well, without much ado, here it is!




"All writing can be crossed out, but what has been said only remains to add."


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  • Awesome work.

  • headbanger

    • You're going to make me uncontrollably laugh while in school. Yes Pap Smear :D

    • oh please, call me "pap smear"

    5 more
  • Dayum

  • I just don't know how this song hasn't been for charts yet :(

    • that's how algorithms work. Algorithms don't care who you are or what you did. All it cares about is its own pre-programmed parameters.

      but thank you for listening!!! we are glad you enjoyed it :)

    • XD

    • release download? please!!! XD

    1 more
  • That tempo change is sex

  • This is cool, good collab guys :~)

  • You guys are definitely one of the most talented music producers in AT, and when you guys work together, god dang, it creates wonders! Miracles, I tell you! XD

    Anyways, this is such a good track!!! It has very ambient and emotional plucks and chords for the intro, and the drop is just FRIKIN' AMAZING! Great work guys!!! :D

    • Thanks. I think so too. I'd be nothing without my fellow SOAPS :)

    • ik, its just u 2 are so good together!

    • You don't have to compete. Everyone's different and we're all in this together. Is rather help people grow than hold them back from the feeling of self accomplishment. You'll get there. Keep practicing and one day it'd all just gonna "click". Thanks for listening :)

    3 more
  • Holy flip tho guys

  • Just missing Synrgy.

    13 more
  • i swear i love yall style

    • Thanks, and yeah hopefully next time around we can do even better and mix a little more :)

    • this song gets repetitive after awhile i mean

    • *But its repetitive*

  • this is great

    • but there is so much precious paprika

    • That's not enough. I'm worth at least 100k.

    • 20 grand and 60 000 pounds of paprika

    15 more
  • such limited to no effects on most of the synths yet so much power in all of them

    i friggin love the dedication and effort y'all put to y'alls tracks kwanjngeeh

  • Nice work :)

  • Republished

    slapped two JoVee OTT's on the lead synth.

    • i straight up just bypassed the low end cuz I already EQ'd that shit I aint doing it over lmao

    • gotta say, it feels like it has a bit more punch now

    • then you and I will get along fine XD

    4 more
  • Republished

    1 OTT on the lead

    2 on the basses (not sub)