
Huge draft, i try to keep things simple to inspire newer peeps, but this is an exception, i love this, and savori is the best at melodies... wasn't possible without savori. - Cerix

I am not the best at melodies - Savori

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  • This never charted...................


  • POG

  • can i try remixing this?

    2 more
  • Mixing is mega oof, but this is super cool!

    Also, yes, you are the best at melodies. @Savori

    6 more
  • sweet stuff love this guys

  • D a m n

    This is beautiful o_O

    Definitely inspires me XD

    • and *MOST* the concepts don't forget that :)

      (sorry i really just want some credit)

    • Thanks, Cerix also did most of the sound design

    • thank savori, he did 90% of the melodies, and redesigned almost all my melodies on this.

      Im pretty sure Savori is the mvp, he inspires me