I loved working o this one, it was a long time since I collaborated on a track but I realy love the music you wrote, the rithm sounds and melody's such a positive style and I just had todo my best effort to blend everything in shape, thanks my friend up to the next one :~)
Great track, I am currently travelling in my mind thanks to both of you. This is the kind of outside-the-box audiotool creation I enjoy very much. I am fond of the gliding synth starting around
, it reminds me of Vangelis' soundtracks in Bladerunner ;)
This song, for me, is the perfect soundtrack for a train ride after a week of hard work. I can already see myself contemplating the landscape from the train window. A kind of daydream.
Good idea, I'm working on the first track. Made a intro and worked on volume automation. It is getting pretty big so I have to focus on the mix by now. I was thinking to label it in downtempo what do you think?