... was I supposed to add it there myself? I do not understand.
Also, I saw no mention of a submissions album in either the description of the original competition track nor in the comments section of it, so any "stating multiple times" that you may have done may not have been in the right places.
I apologize if this comes off as rude, but I am just genuinely confused.
OmG. I cAnnOt BelIEvE tHis. yOu CapiTalIzEd thE P iN mY naME. i am SerIoUsLY offEnded. MY NamE Is "plague" NoT "Plague" DiPshIt GeT iT rIghT sOn AnD sTop THe DIsrEspECt. AlSo ThE dEscRipTion MiGHt hUrt PeoPles FeElIngs. ThInK BEfOrE yOu dO. And The PrOfANiTY YoU aDDED on The ToNeMatriXS Is UnAccEpTablE. dO YoU kISSS yOUR mOtHer WiTh ThaT SaIloRs MouTH? GeT a LiFE, BUM!!
I'm surprised that I wasn't in the top 5. But that is okay. Of course Vulk wins because he's really great at making edm bangers. Congrats to everyone who made a entry