i recorded a whole results thing like i usually do, but i scrapped it. INSTEAD i will be typing out everones results:


Uzeh chan: 808 slides were sweet, clipping is a bit harsh

Apoc: love the synthwork and simplicity. Into felt off w/ the bass

Plauge: lol

Jayusan: Uzeh did it better tbh

Consqueso: not in tune, way to reverbed and washed out

Hurakan: Not in tune

Alsodeath: Underwhelming trap, the clippings a bit overpowering

Fierce: good listen! Kicks a bit soft but still a great track!

ILST: Easy going trap, the 808 feels like there is to much mid

beanz: …dnb but not good?

Mytonidar: ew

Bixbite: nice listen, Feels a bit to drawn out

Cashmore: not in tune, and to overcompressed/clipping

Thatguyfromoverthere: No. my ears hurt

Ac3: decent, its blown tf out tho

Zero: Not in key, mix needs work :/

ShxneII: kick to hard, drums to minimal BUT synth work is on POINT!

Blookynaswalt: Offensive

Dublion: Nice DNB! Fuck i like this!

EDM Haze: no. stop it. Get help. Pls

Sumad: not bad, a bit off tempo and a bit to long

Velieina Society: not bad 4 a meme

Souls: god pls you dont need to

Meander: to washed out, don’t think thats in the right key my guy

Azure: Sidechain is a bit to much and the mix needs some work but i can see the direction


Azure: Better track! Ambient and short!

Redlights: ok? I like the sample chop

M-one: blue ball trap with no drop

Ziroh: It’s cool! I like the synth play!

Brain Walker: its ok, kinda underwhelming. Dont like the snare choice, mix is good though



5th- Sandbrugen: Clean mix! Easy listen, very well made all around!

4th- : Experimental. BUSY! But cool asf to hear, kept me on my toes

3rd- Cerixyn: Clean mix! Great FB track!

2nd- Verbs: Intro is a bit weak, but the buildup and drop make it worth the listen. Sweet asf! Enjoyed!

1st- Vulkron: fuck! YES DADDY!

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  • ill be forever known as uzeh chan on this

  • dnb but not good lol sorry

  • wait uhhh

    was I not included???

    • ... was I supposed to add it there myself? I do not understand.

      Also, I saw no mention of a submissions album in either the description of the original competition track nor in the comments section of it, so any "stating multiple times" that you may have done may not have been in the right places.

      I apologize if this comes off as rude, but I am just genuinely confused.

    • sorry i didn't see it. I stated multiple times tho, if your track was not added to the remix comp album i wouldn't be judging it :/ sorry

    • i 100% agree, soda

    5 more
  • "Verbs" lol

    In all seriousness though I'm honored to get second! Thank you for hosting this great competition!

    • my b autocorrect

    • werbs & verbs should be a band name

  • OmG. I cAnnOt BelIEvE tHis. yOu CapiTalIzEd thE P iN mY naME. i am SerIoUsLY offEnded. MY NamE Is "plague" NoT "Plague" DiPshIt GeT iT rIghT sOn AnD sTop THe DIsrEspECt. AlSo ThE dEscRipTion MiGHt hUrt PeoPles FeElIngs. ThInK BEfOrE yOu dO. And The PrOfANiTY YoU aDDED on The ToNeMatriXS Is UnAccEpTablE. dO YoU kISSS yOUR mOtHer WiTh ThaT SaIloRs MouTH? GeT a LiFE, BUM!!

  • super funny how you put all the crits in the description lmfao

  • Sorry your ears hurt :(

    want me to drop you off some ibuprofen when I visit your mom's house?

  • super salty i didnt even place :(

  • "Plauge: lol"

  • This was made not to bully artists, but to display that i DO genuinely listen and don't present biases to any of the artists i choose.

    • but we're all not surprised that vulkron won- we can all agree with that right lol

    • you just provided more hard truths lol

    • thats why i like ya bro <3

      thx for the feedback

  • Thank you very much. Always fun to remix your stuff

  • i think you forgot to say something about mines lol

  • I'm surprised that I wasn't in the top 5. But that is okay. Of course Vulk wins because he's really great at making edm bangers. Congrats to everyone who made a entry

  • omg u called vulkron daddy

    :o xDDDDDD