I tried my best to get a squeaky clean mix, as well as to get some interesting, but heavy bass sounds. Hope you guys like this little post

@erthboy Was the inspiration for this. Go check out his work, it's really fucking awesome

If anyone around my skillset wants to collab on this I am also down for that (I'm looking at you, experimental artists). If not, I'll finish this in the future

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  • i want to know how you made that knocky sub bass thing its too clean and i can hear it on phone speakers how

    • lol the knocky sub bass is literally just a kick (smh)

    • yes hmu!

    • I can just send you a copy of the draft if you'd like

  • imma make you bounce that gyat down

  • Ugh, i need this, unfortunately

  • I will eventually make this a full track xd

    • we all say that but do we ever really do it?

  • howtf did i inspire this its beyond anything ive ever done lol

  • Artists Block??? How can one have artist block and then drop THIS? 💀💀💀

  • "If anyone around my skillset"

    ok so uuh 3 people, yeah

  • you are going to huh

  • fuuuckkkkfubvd sckbnrgrgsuovcnjxmfgvvhhhhhhhhhhhhh