Wow, your style is freakin great, I come up with stuff like this all the time and can't figure out how to make a track out of it. And when I say stuff like this I mean the cool pattern of notes that sound dark. Ya Done Good!!

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0 -
0 lol, the bass seems to be popular in this one..
0 that bass !!
0 haha maybe i should change the title to Mutant Midgets?
0 hehe. .mutant midgets! :)
0 Very weird! There's something really freakish about it. I imagine mutant midgets or something walking around in a junkyard. lol.
0 thanks guys :)
0 yeah the bass is really well done great work
0 great bass
0 yeah !!! sounds fucking great =) good job
0 I agree with andremoda (2) ;-)
0 I agree with the andremoda (2) ;-)
0 i agree with andremoda!!Totally!
0 Love the Bass-Sound. Good Work :)
0 thanks!