Seems many don't enjoy, even less, respect, using the materials and tools supplied as one (no0b, me) sees fit (as recommended in new user tutorials: by using others art, although freely donated to be used as one chooses) to create something one enjoys from those donated parts, whether or not it's a monstrosity; the way the creators of the tutorials (audiotool as well) suggest to learning the ropes: cut, copy, paste and enjoy. In fact, the only folks who seem totally uninterested in even listening to tracks I feel I've worked my arse off for, are the ones who've "arrived" at the AT pinnacle. That's cool, your loss. I am astounded at the number of artists on this venue that are all of "12 years old..." AND have arrived as creators and composers to the point of poking fun, maybe trolling a bit even, craftily berating and subjugating, imo, those simple-minded, copy/pasters who have such a difficult time being original... like all the other pro originals.

Here's a novice tip to those I'm addressing: just because yours is original doesn't mean it's any better or worse than mine. If you all want AT not to be used the way that's supplied to no0bs like me, don't publish the pieces of your grandeur for sods like me to copy paste with.

If it's a matter of credit for the originator, THEN PLAINLY SAY SO, and it'll be credited to the "rightful creator".

To those of you who've been around a time and time again here, and at least throw me benefit of the doubt while learning: THANK YOU. You are my inspiration. I've no problem putting the rightful creator's name to the work they donated to sods like me. I got rid of my ego back when i was, ohhhhh.... 12 years old.


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  • The reasons this bumpin' track bumps are all listed in the Assets section. Without them and their doing most of the work for me, this wouldn't exist. (And yes, "Insoluable" is purposely misspelled!) Thanks to all of you who made me look/sound good (at least to my GF ;)