i <3 distortion, this draft has been sitting for far too long

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  • WOAH

  • When I joined this website, I had no idea how awesome music could get, because the stuff I was putting out was literal trash. This kind of music really encourages me to get good

  • killin it!!

  • dayum this beat fire right off the bat

  • I like this production

  • nice 👍👍

  • damn its crazy to see a ramzoid remix on here cs he lowkey slept on, been listening to him since like middle school when he was doing the walmart trap kid remixes n shit

    this hard tho

    • i appreciate that. he’s a big influence to how i operate as far as youtube and played a major role in teaching me the basics to soft clipping and the importance of distortion (i’m a fanboy)

    • honestly hard to believe a soundscape like this is possible on audiotool

  • sweet dude!

  • Republished

    arp adjustment

  • erm i hate to be that guy cause the track is great but did you get permission to upload the acapella?

    im worried this will set a precedent we dont want