This one took a pretty short amount of time so I had plenty of time to play around with it, mess around with effects, fix levels, organize parts. This was very fun to make and I had a blast making I hope you have fun listening!!

I used a stunning amount of effects (for me) and I tried my hardest to make it sound "full" like a track you hear off the radio since "The Battle" lacked its kick. not sure if I accomplished that. anyways I hope you like this give any suggestions or comments you can and tell your friends!!

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  • Nice background plucks, this has a similar feel to the music Arche 3.0 produces.

    The second part at 2:18 really gets me excited, it's got a really interesting feel to it - mysterious, hypnotic, yet chill and relaxed!


  • wow incredible

  • Big fan, absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing. Feel free to post your older work on my wall as well. If it bears a resemblance to this masterpiece I'm there.

  • Woah, this is lovely Dei. Love the freqs used here.

    I'm with fauko and doc, a trance woman vocal sample here wouldl be great.

  • Great melodies, good track !

  • love the arps and song

  • excellent man i dig ! :)

  • nice Mr. Servus! these synths are great! i like the little bit of flourish toward the end. i agree with doc - a powerful female vocal on top of this would be excellent. :)

  • me love it!

  • You did great with this man.. I can picture in my head a chick singing with this.. Like the girl from Everescence.. Don't know if you heard of that group or not.. but shes got a great voice.. }=)

  • Good one.

  • I really like the way it's building up.. Not too fast... Not too slow.. and after the break comes together nice too.. }=)

  • Rave likeyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)

  • Awh I thought it was in 3/3 for a second from the intro, still a good track though

    the bass is very full and very cool

    some of the synths blend in with each other, Id suggest making some higher

    and i hear that organ emulation in the break ;)