The Way i see it, Good things come more then we think, some times we are just to busy with our Lives to see life for the spectaular event it is. I wrote this track in this frame of mind. The fact that any of us can Write music to begin with is a spectacular Feat of Nature in its own right. Today Take a step back. Do invintory of things that you cherish , Maybe you will notice somthing you have not before. Take note of your abilities and realize that to every other creature on this planet you are a god. I find this fact and the melody of life Intoxicating
This track is the kind of music that i know and am accustomed to over the years. I have been experimenting with new types of music and with each attempt found something more. those that have talked to me know that my background is in symphony orchistra but until today i really have not done any compositions that are pruly from my Roots as a classical musician. So in this Piece I really stayed with my streangths witch is very classical and thematic I hope you enjoy this track.
I Wrote all the note tracks and sounds in this track sorry for the all rights reserved but if you would like a download it you can'
This track was largly created with ableton. and mastered and arranged , with AT effex , audomations and tools.
;) Nice. You always have the coolest descriptions to your tracks. I like reading what you were thinking about when making your music. It's very helpful to the community. Also, very chill melody. I really like that flute section. Very pretty. :)