I spent 2 hrs sound designing a thingy to make a thing to sound like a thing and it kinda made a thing.

So I hope you like this thing I made...

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But hey it kinda sounds cool? Right?

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  • not bad

  • Solid description. 10/10.

    This is definitely something! but it sounds like you dragged it through the mud before you brought it out lmao

    More work to be done here, but this is a cool sound you've created! I think it just needs some more refinement (as I'm sure you do too).

    • can't really say how to do that rn sorry, I know that's not helpful, but I bet it has something to do with compression, at least ;)

      try multiband compression? maybe mixed with some light saturation or EQing, can help refine the sound a bit more.

  • amazeballs

  • Woah the bass design here is really cool

    • But that is helpful info thank you

    • Interesting, I'm not super great at sound design and what everything means but I'll definitely love to learn. I usually just know the gist of what does what but not the specifics.

    3 more
  • Republished

    Made it louder for my bass heads